My sister Judy from Charleston, SC is visiting us, and I am so happy that she’s here! We’ve got a lot planned for her short stay, and today is very important to her…it’s Game Day! My sweet niece Kate goes to Clemson U., and today it’s Clemson vs. Boston College in Boston. So now you’ll know where you’ll find us tonight!

My sister’s Game Day spirit has been contagious, so little does she know that she inspired this Country House Tailgate segment for WFSB’s Better Connecticut show. Co-host, Kara Sundlun was “game” (I know…I couldn’t help it) to tail gate with me, in my driveway, in the Country House way!

Hope you enjoy! Go Clemson! Go BC!

Love, Nora


  1. tammy moon on November 13, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    love your ideas thank you for sharing

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