My Top 5 for 2018
Happy New Year! 2017 was a great year, but here at Nora Murphy Country House we’re hard at work and planning to make it even better! Here are the top 5 things for 2018:
- We’re crazy busy working with Vendome Press on my Nora Murphy Country House Style book, that’s scheduled to be out in September! Can’t wait!
- The Nora Murphy Country House Collection was launched at the end of October, and thanks to you, I’m happy to report that for the holidays it was a smashing hit! Thank you! We’re now building on our scents…look for a very special duo for St. Valentine’s Day! And the development of the NMCH Collection continues…Very excited about all this!
- We have a new feature on the site, Shop The NMCH Look. So many of you have asked me where I find my the things that give my home the Country House vibe. Now I can share our sources to help you get the Country House Style look! Yay!!
- I’m very happy that I’ll be continuing my work with WFSB, Channel 3, Better Connecticut. I love working with them! They’re such terrific, genuine people. So I’m brainstorming ideas right now. If there’s anything you think you’d like me to present, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment! I appreciate the ideas!
- The blog posts and magazines will be more “snippety” than ever before. What I mean by that, is that my team tells me that there’s so much more I can share that I take for granted. So, just like the Snippets section on this site, I will ramp up my little tips.
As we kick-off and get into full-on 2018 gear, here’s my annual gift to you: A new 2018 NMCH Downloadable Desktop Calendar for each month of the year. For 2018, I was inspired by my beautiful NMCH candle scents. I hope you enjoy! (And please look for more free seasonal downloadables on our Goodies page!)
Happy New Year! Let’s make it a fabulous one!
Love, Nora
Sounds exciting and I will enjoy anything and everything you share, big or small!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like to know more about how you begin to plan for the next season? ie Valentine’s Day, open the garden, an easy and dessert board (similar to the cheese board), details about the large plants in the baskets/buckets, where to find the very large baskets, where to find the plaid blanket on your master bed, and a very good seafood chowder/soup. Always enjoy your recipes! Sorry you asked? HA! HA! I enjoy you, your family, your home, and all you share!
Thanks for being here.
I think you should cover new ideas for unusual hostess gifts!
Absolutely love reading your posts and seeing you on Better Connecticut. Looking forward to 2018!
Can’t wait to see all that’s new in 2018!
Hi Nora,
I think a great project would be for you to make note cards from your beautiful photographs. You could leave the inside blank, think of the possibilities! I’m sure your readers would love them.
looking forward to seeing all the exciting things to come this year! xo
I enjoy your blog & looking at your kitchen. I am very surprised that your candles or called natural soy. Soy is one of the most sprayed crops with chemicals in this country. I would never burn a soy candle & any scent with the description of natural scent. Unless it’s organic i do not buy. I am holistic & buy organic as many in this country have become.
Love the candles and so did all the people I gave them to as gifts !
Love your design sense. It is authentic and sensible. As a a painter I would love to see you feature designing with paintings and original prints. In my experience as a former art educator and docent giving tours at NBMAA most don’t realize how affordable art can be and what local resources are available. Most consumers don’t know what an original print is and how to look at art and enjoy it.
I hope you continue to share books you or your family love.
I am almost 80 yrs. old, but you have rekindled the spark of decorating and redecorating in me again. Can’r wait to see your next idea,recipe,etc. Looking forward to your new book!
Hi Nora … I would love to see ideas for growing Paperwhites … They look so pretty in mid-winter! Looking for container ideas especially for gift giving… Your my favorite decorator…. Your home and gardens are warm and welcoming! Love old capes….
I love everything about NMCH but most of all I love your seasonal magazines.
Want to thank your for adorable xo banner. Will be sending one to grand daughter in college who will be 21 tomorrow, another to best friend who just had cancerous tumor removed from a breast.. and our youngest daughter and her youngest daughter. Thanks so much for sharing. Saves me time just cutting out pieces. Happy daze