Create A Festive Holiday Cheeseboard
What perfect timing! My sister Judy was coming to visit from Charleston, and my bud, Better Connecticut co-host, Scot Haney was coming with his wing man/camera man, Eric, to shoot another lifestyle segment for WFSB’s Better Connecticut. Today’s demo: Building a Fabulous Holiday Cheeseboard. What a perfect demo to do on such an occasion!
Below, I’ve listed the ingredients that we used…some of them are very special because of where they’re from. I brought back new tasty finds from the Country Living Fair in Stone Mountain, GA, and my sister added Charleston, SC specialties. Along with a cheese selection from New England and New York, it turned out to be a most beautiful ‘North meets South’ cheeseboard!
Wood Cutting Board
Parchment Paper
Fruit (all organic): Grapes, Clementines, Pears, Papaya, Blackberries, Raspberries, Gooseberries.
Cheeses: Extra Sharp Cheddar, Smoked Cheddar, Camembert, Goat Cheese, Gloucester.
Condiments: Fig Spread, Apple Butter, Pumpkin Butter, Cotton Honey.
Crackers: Kii Naturals Organic Artisan Crisps: Date & Lemon, Cranberry & Cashew, Raisin, Rosemary & Pumpkin Seed, Charleston’s Own Benne Wafers, Cheese Zingers, & Lemon Snaps.
Enjoy the segment and Happy Nibbles!
Love, Nora
Must try for thanksgiving look so good
Hi Maude! That’s what I love about this cheeseboard, there’s just so many little picky things for folks to nibble on as they’re awaiting the big dinner! Please let me know how you make out! Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nora
What a celebration!
Give more details on the lemon snaps, please.
No meats?
Hi Nan! No meats on this board this time. I provided a link to the Lemon Snaps…..just a little sweet surprise on there from Charleston!
Thanks very much! Love, Nora
Oh Nora this is beautiful! Love your videos!
Thank you!
Thank you so very much!! I really love doing this with Scot! Love, Nora
I love the use of what appears to be a 3 sided box in lieu of a board. Do you have a source for this?
Hi Anita! That’s an old board I bought at a Flea Market years ago! I love it’s big, hefty scale, especially when we’re hosting a crowd! I would recommend any old wood cutting board that will also do the trick! Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nora
What a beautiful Holiday Cheeseboard. I think I may do this for Christmas this year. Such fun always seeing you with
Scot but including your Sister was wonderful
thanks for sharing
Hi Deezie! Thanks very much! The beauty with these ingredients is that you can make your cheeseboard as little or as big as you like! It’s all about creating structure with the grapes and filling in the blank spaces! Thanks very much and hope you enjoy making this! Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nora
I finally was able to watch this, Nora–SO beautiful! Your sister is absolutely lovely and sweet–how much fun for you to be together! Plus, as always, I learned so much. On a side note, when I was growing up in Minnesota, we would hike in the woods and parks where we would find Gooseberries, and then we just ate them raw–I loved their sourness and tang! I haven’t heard anyone mention Gooseberries in a long time, so thank you for bringing that memory back to me
Sending hugs, Judy
Hi Judy!
Thank you so very much! I love working with Scot, but Judy being a part of it made it extra special for me! It’s funny, because I had never used gooseberries before…..or tasted them for that matter! When I was shopping for ingredients the morning of the shoot, I spied them….loved the color!! They reminded me of grape tomatoes! When I got home and tasted them, I loved how crazy sour they were…but good! As an ingredient, it was a good contrast flavor addition. I am so happy it brought back sweet memories for you Judy! Thanks very much for sharing your story, and Happy Thanksgiving my dear friend! Love, Nora