Country Living Q&A with Rachel Hardage Barrett
I’m just so happy to have my Connecticut Country House featured in the December issue of Country Living magazine. A few weeks ago, I was invited to the Country Living Fair in Stone Mountain, GA for a Q&A with Country Living’s Editor-in-Chief, Rachel Hardage Barrett. She had a Power Point sneak peek of the photographs from our article, and we had a great time discussing their back stories. Hope you enjoy.
Please do pick up the latest issue and follow along!
Love, Nora
Can’t wait!! Is the December issue on newsstands now?
Hi Cheryl! Yes, it’s out now!
Enjoy! Happy Holidays, Love, Nora
I have the magazine and watched the Q and A interview. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are remarkable.
I understand the photos more now from the magazine hearing you discuss it.
When is your book available? WHERE? Hope you have it full, full of hints.
I so enjoy you and your neutral home. Everything, plants, baskets, slipcovers looks nice with your whites.
Please tell more about the black cupboard in the pic in the room with the Charlie Brown tree.
Just served Murph’s Friday Night Fratt . . . . . . . . My family enjoys it!
Keep doing what you do soooooooooooooooo well. So enjoy your decorating tips – inexpensive but lovely!
Please do track down a large affordable basket that we can hang as you do.
Happy Thanksgiving!
So happy you love it so!!! Thank you!! And very happy your Friday night dinner was a success!
My book is being published by Vendome Press and will be out next September (2018)…….very excited about it!
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nora
Thanks, Nora!! ♥
Hi Nora. I ran out and picked up the December Country Living magazine! Love it! I wanted to ask when and where can I pick up your new book? Thank you! Jane
Hi Jane! So happy you love it!! Thank you! My book will be published by the reknowned Vendome Press and will be out next September (2018)…so excited!!
Happy Thanksgiving! Love, Nora