A Garden Party, Inside & Out
This upcoming weekend, Connecticut Country House is hosting a private event for WSHU and Suzanne Bona’s Sunday Baroque radio program. I want to make it really special, so the most beautiful and striking way to decorate my home is to pot up gorgeous flowering plants and strategically place them in the most important sightlines. This is a tried and true plan that always works hard for me.
From soft pastel hued foxglove that will be popped into plastic lined wooden buckets, to an antique French harvest basket stuffed with coreopsis, my spring garden’s sensibility will be felt throughout the entire house. I want my guests to see and feel the beauty of my gardens, inside and out.
Now, my secret is that once my event is over, and the blooms start to fade, I’ll take all the plants back outside and plant them into my gardens. This versatile decorating tip is also key in growing my garden beds each year. It’s a win-win!
Happy decorating and gardening!
Love, Nora
love all the beautiful flowers but was instantly attracted to the white daisy type on the table. can you tell me if that is also a Coreopsis? Or is it a simple daisy?
Love the look! Give me a hint on WHERE to purchase my very first large container for these garden prizes.
What size are the plants you purchase? Come on, give some hints,, don’t just tease us!!
Hi Nan!
The large containers are flea market finds…..very affordable. The plants are in a variety of sizes – depending on the container size. Usually, quart, 1/2 gallon, & gallon pots.
Hope this helps! Love, Nora
I definitely will be shopping for rustic old containers at yard sales. Very good suggestion.
I want to tell you and ask that you share with Murphy that I tried the Friday Frig Freestyle Frittata that was recently posted and everyone enjoyed it. I can’t get it off my mine so will plan another for this week end. Thanks!
Some good things about the cooler Spring days–the flowers all seem to be blooming longer-a good thing!
The pictures are awesome. So jealous of all the greenery!
Garden party, just the name is beautiful. This is such a wonderful time of year, Nora. As an antique dealer, I love all your beautiful old pieces, the flowers really just add the perfect touch to them!
Sracia — bet it’s Cosmos
Yes, the basket of white daily-like flowers on the old pine Irish farmtable is cosmos.
They’re so versatile!
Thanks Katherine S, I will check with my local flower guy.
Thank you Nora. Didn’t scroll down far enough to see your comment as well. flower man here i come. thanks
The flowers are gorgeous – great ideas !
I love the idea of flowers in the house. But do you realize foxglove is digitalis? It is used as a blood pressure medication and just rubbing against it could possibly bring someone’s blood pressure down? Ummm I don’t think it’s a good ideal to have it in your house for a party.
Hi Nora, your flowers and plants are always beautiful as are your photographs but the photography in this post is exceptional. I was wondering if you would share the brand of camera and lens that you used. I don’t own a camera and would like to Invest in one that will produce high quality images. Thanks so much and best wishes with your upcoming event!
I admire your creativity. Everything is just beautiful
Thanks so much for sharing your great ideas, Nora. I came home from the CL Fair and took your advice; I have my favorite basket on the center of my table filed with two pots of tickseed that’s about ready to burst open! Love it!
It would be great when we have a party near lake or pond in your garden