Winter is a bit tough on this gardener, so I try and do as much as I can, as early as I can.

As WFSB-3’s Better Living Lifestyle contributor, I spent a great afternoon in the sun-drenched Garden Room of Connecticut Country House with Better Connecticut’s host and good egg, Scot Haney, where I demonstrated simple techniques for planning a kitchen garden and for getting a jump start on the growing season by starting some seeds.

Yes. I understand. It seems like a crazy idea. There are still patches of snow in the yard, but, some of the things I love to grow, need to grow, like my beloved tomatoes and peppers, my Hungarian birthright, need a long, warm growing season in order to produce, so, if I want seedlings to set out in May, I need to start them now-ish.

Beginning vegetables from seed is simple, satisfying, and is a wonderful excuse to get my hands dirty, sooner rather than later!

Thanks for stopping by Scot, and best of luck with the catnip!

Love, Nora


  1. Mary Lou Cummings on February 24, 2017 at 2:04 pm

    I remember all the egg cartons my mother saved to plant, just like this. Seed catalogues would fill the mailbox all through February. She tended a large rose and vegetable garden every year.

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