When the sky is drab gray and the frozen ground is cloaked with a thick mantle of snow, my mantra for getting through what feels like the longest winter month in Connecticut is, “Love you February.”

This is the time of year when a quick stop into the grocery store not only yields the milk I came for, but a few pots of charming primroses or a bunch of cut tulips to add a touch of springtime freshness to Connecticut Country House.

With Valentine’s Day smack dab in the middle of the month, my thoughts revolve around my love for My Boys, and how I want to make the day special for each of them by creating goodie baskets tailor filled with favorite treats.

Towards the end of the month, I’ll be potting up more paperwhite bulbs, moving around various pairs of topiaries to change up the spaces throughout the house, and, for this I can hardly wait, starting seeds for the kitchen garden. All of this helps me feel like I’m moving one step closer to spring!

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Happy February!

Love, Nora


  1. Deb on February 1, 2017 at 3:23 pm

    You are so right, Valentine’s Day is perfectly timed! This time of year is full of hope, hope for spring, all things green & warmer days ahead .. I’m in love with your blog & Country House magazine. thank you ❤

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