Contrary to the fact that I woke up to a fresh blanket of fluffy white stuff this morning, as far as I’m concerned, spring kicked off yesterday and I’m ready to welcome her with open arms.

I launched the season with what I refer to as Gardening Campaign 2016. This organized series of baby steps is my preferred method for keeping the gardens that I love, while maintaining my crazy schedule and sanity. There’s so much ground to cover, that it’s the best way for me to get things done. Piece by piece. Step by step.

Yesterday was all about cleaning and pruning the perennial beds. Tomorrow, who knows? The temps are supposed to reach the 60’s this week in Connecticut, so goodbye snow, so long winter and hello beautiful spring!

Happy gardening!

Love, Nora


  1. Victoria on March 21, 2016 at 10:30 pm

    Love your methodology – baby steps otherwise gardening and the upkeep is completely overwhelming. I find it much more satisfying than a therapist however.

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