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Roses are always a good idea – in any shape or form. Here’s a fabulous new recipe my friend Holly shared with me. One look at these absolutely gorgeous apple pastry roses and I knew this was one very special dessert that I would have to pass along and share as well. Just perfect to serve in honor of the Kentucky Derby, and Mother’s Day!

Let’s just put it this way, it was extremely challenging to wait until after dinner to dig in and devour one. I have to confess, I did cave in…I couldn’t resist. I loved it. I really think you will too.

Apple Roses (makes 6)

1 frozen puff pastry sheet, thawed

2 red apples, (Red Delicious was used for this batch)

½ lemon squeezed into water (enough to cover apple slices)

3 tablespoons apricot jam


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

  • Cut apples in half lengthwise and remove core. Turn apple and slice thinly to make “arches”.
  • Place apple slices in bowl, fill with water to cover slices, and add lemon juice.
  • Microwave 3 to 4 min on high, then drain.
  • Roll out pastry on floured board to smooth out folds. Slice into 6 long strips.
  • Microwave jam for 1 minute & spread down the center of each strip.
  • To start lining strips with apple slices: Take an apple slice and line up the straight cut of the apple with the bottom edge of the pastry strip (the rounded side of the slice will extend beyond the strip). The next slice will halfway overlap the previous one, and keep repeating this “scalloping” formation.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon and roll into the rose shape (don’t worry, these roses are very forgiving!).
  • Place in greased muffin cups. Bake for 40-45 minutes.


Love, Nora

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