Living without boundaries
Oh, go for it – show a little floor! At least for the summer. That’s what I do.
Rolling up my rugs and showing a lot of bare floor during the hot summer months instantly changes my warm and cozy house into a light and airy summer house. It makes for a quick and easy styling change.
Give it a try – at least in one room. You may agree there’s something very liberating about it.
Love (and barefoot in Newtown), Nora
Good advice, I love the cool wood on my bare feet when the temp rises
My dear friend and owner of a way-too-clean house, Nora. Tell the truth, you cleaned those floors before you took those pictures. You know, the one with the rug halfway removed from the room. And the one where you can see the reflection of a spotless white (breath-takingly white) tennis shoe.
You may want to consider your health!!
Erin and I did an experiment years ago where we vacumned every day for a month. (Maybe it was just a few weeks, but it sure seemed like a month) We both came down with a mysterious cold-like illnes that we blamed on the constant disruption of our resident dust mites. They really consider themselves a part of the family and don’t like feeling unwanted. They are revengeful little mites and are not above doing terrible things.
All they ask for is a ‘little’ dust or maybe a few dust-bunnies. They like them. I have some (lots) I can send if you’ve already put yourself in danger and no longer have any.
Please, take it from someone who has been there. Don’t Mess with the Dust Mites!!!! xoxo
I am putting the rugs and the vacuum away for the summer, I am going barefoot with my broom!!!
Love it!!
We just finished having hard wood floors installed and we love it. Timeless and classic. I do confess though, I really welcome the feel of a time worn vintage rug under my feet when I first step foot out of bed in the morning. Other than that, bring on the wood, bring on the barefoot and bring on the summer!
Love it when Little Fiona gets in the act! Just a note, animals love the cool wood too. Bare floors for the whole happy family