I believe it’s the little things in life – there must be millions of them – that make all the difference.

All those little things that go unnoticed for the most part, that is until you come upon an unexpected moment that makes you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel it just a little differently, and makes you slow down or even stop in your very busy day to take it in.

Something as simple as a whiff from a scented soap can transport you to another place and time. Scented soaps are an easy and subtle way of bringing the season into your home. Right now for spring, I’m loving Geranium and Mint, Lily of the Valley, and Lemon Thyme – or just lemon. (I confess, lemon is always a good idea.)  I love to tuck them here and there in drawers and cabinets full of linens – and forget about them.

Recently, when I pulled out two crisply folded stacks of Irish linen napkins to set the table with – what a nice surprise it was to find that one stack was scented like cloves and the other like peppermint!

And what a nice little surprise it was for my dinner guests that night.

Here’s to the little things.

Love, Nora






  1. Deb on April 29, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    so true Nora, so true … thank you for the reminder

  2. Erin on April 29, 2013 at 11:30 pm

    Scented soaps make even the simple task of washing hands a delight and I love how the scent lingers. I love your idea of tucking them in drawers.

  3. Jennifer on April 30, 2013 at 12:14 am

    Hi Nora, I have always loved scented soaps. My mother used to tuck them into the drawers of her dresser and her clothes always smelled so pretty. I used to love just walking into her room because it smelled so pretty. I acquired her love for soap and one day my daughter walked into my room and said the nicest thing, “Mom, your room smells just like grandma’s…it smells so pretty in here”. I love what my mom passed on to me and I cannot walk away from pretty smelling soap…you can never have too much of it is always a surprise. My mom loves gardenia and lily of the valley scents. Thank you for reminding me of the little special things..Have a great day!

  4. Jayne on April 30, 2013 at 1:30 am

    I feel the same way! I love Vetiver right now, can’t get enough 🙂

  5. Anna on April 30, 2013 at 3:10 pm

    Yes Nora, lemon gets my vote every time! I took a bar of Crabtree and Evelyn’s lemon glycerin soap with me on my first trip to Italy–and every time I use any lemon soap now, it transports me back to the sunny beauty of the Adriatic.

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