Flower Power Monday

Happy Monday! I think flowers are one of my favorite things in the whole world. And come to think of it, I really do believe that they possess more power over us than we’re even aware of; let alone give them credit for. Whether they’re cut from the garden, or picked from a bucket at the local grocery store or farm stand, it’s amazing how they bring life to any space – anywhere.
When I was with Ethan Allen, I remember seasonally bringing in freshly cut forsythia or hydrangeas from my garden, or picking up tulips or sunflowers at the market on my way in, and popping them in a big glass cylinder we had on hand and usually at the ready. For sure, the vibrant colors and dramatic forms added instant beauty and pizazz to our workspace, but for me, even more than that, it brought out the best in people; I think it made them feel good. Even on the craziest of days, that simple bouquet would bring out a smile on even the most serious of faces. Well why not?
Why not indeed! I think it’s a wonderfully civilized way to start the work week. So starting today, I’m bringing you flowers virtually every Monday! Enjoy!
“The earth laughs in flowers.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson