Dress Your Beds
Now’s the perfect time to get your garden beds going. Tackling one bed at a time, here’s my routine:
- Clean out debris and cut back dried stems.
- Lightly spread compost (our homemade “Black Gold”) and work it into the soil with a hoe.
- Sprinkle a cup or 2 of Holly Tone around the base of shrubs, working it into the soil with a hoe.
- For the final dressing, I love using shredded pine bark as mulch for the garden beds. Using my hands, I spread a 2-3 inch thick layer and smooth out evenly.
Happy gardening!
Love, Nora
Ha!ha! Imagine my surprise to see you were in the garden and not the bedroom. Albeit
excellent info Nora. I’m just a month head of you here in SC.
WHY Holly Tone? I thought Holly Tone was for high ph plants, ie. azalea, holly’s, blue berries.
Am I incorrect? Please give us a lesson here.
I’ve been at work in my garden beds, too. Pulling a few weeds, raking out masses of leaves. I hope to get mulch soon!