This was no ordinary shoot. Since the summer, we’ve been prepping Connecticut Country House for her debut in the November issue of Connecticut Cottages & Gardens magazine. The big push was on to finish up all of the painting and re-setting of the summer’s biggest project, Project Refresh, as I called it.

The morning of the shoot, I was still monkeying with this and that to make the whole place camera-ready for CC&G’s team of Julie Curtis – Design & Photography Director, and Willie Cole – photographer. After a chock full day of shooting inside and some outside (if only it was a month or 2 earlier, my gardens would have been in their true glory and camera-ready!) I could not imagine how they would edit the images to pick the best of the best in capturing Connecticut Country House in 4 spreads.

Well, they did. Between pulled back room shots and multiple details, as well as beautifully written storytelling by Mindy Pantiel, the team had captured the heart and soul of my home.

The November issue is available at newsstands and bookstores, as well as online:

A great big thank you to the Editorial Director, D.J. Carey, for seeing the warmth and beauty of Connecticut Country House!

Please enjoy!

Love, Nora


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