Perennial Sale – Up to 70% Off!

My Volvo can’t escape the gravitational pull of a good plant sale. Must. Pull. The car. Over.

The time is now.

Despite the fact that the garden is showing signs of winding down, there’s less daylight to dig in the dirt by, and a need to scrape away some leaves, in order to get to the aforementioned dirt, it’s a perfect time to plant. The chill in the air causes plants to go dormant, so it’s less of a shock to their system. (I equate it to being under an anesthetic while having surgery. They don’t feel a thing!) The soil is still nice and warm, so the roots have a chance to develop new, strong roots, before winter’s arctic arrival. And, unlike the hot dry summer months we have at Connecticut Country House, the autumn and winter rain and snowfall, will do a good job of keeping the new recruits happy and healthy.

Still not convinced?

Having scored on a few containers of lavender, I popped them, nursery pots and all, into a favorite, lined, vintage wooden box. Having brightened up the inside of the house, and perfumed the air with their heavenly scent for the past week or so, this weekend, I’ll take the show outdoors, and plant them into the garden.

For me, the clearance priced plants are an inexpensive way to decorate with nature inside, with the added, long term bonus, of filling out and expanding my gardens with more perennials. Guiltless shopping at its best!

Happy gardening!

Love, Nora


  1. Deanna Rabe on October 14, 2015 at 8:24 am

    I am considering moving some plants around in my garden beds. I need to decide quickly and get it done!

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