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I love to dress both the front and back entryway doors at Connecticut Country House, to reflect the beauty of each changing season.

Taking my cue from the still flowering (yay!), potted lavenders that have flanked the doors all summer, I decided to replace the traditional warm hues associated with autumn, with a purple, gray-blue, and green palette.

For the bones, I chose 3 varieties of ornamental kale and cabbages. Gorgeous, sculptural plants with tons of wonderful texture and dramatic color. I especially love the rich purple color of my new favorite find, Osaka Red Flowering Cabbage. Sooo beautiful!

For something a little different to fill and spill out of the baskets, I used Dichondra ‘Silver Falls’. Its tiny, fan shaped silver leaves, along trailing silver stems, is a perfect choice for finishing off the large baskets.

Not one for being fussy, putting the arrangements together is simple. Keeping them in their nursery pots, I start by fitting in the larger cabbages, changing up the varieties in each basket. It’ll be a tight fit, but that’s good – they’ll support each other. Last but not least, I tuck in the small pots of Dichondra, and water well.

Continuing with the theme, cabbages, popped into big, mossy, clay pots, are tucked next to the potted lavender.

Mix up your repertoire this year, and welcome your friends and family with this easy way to add instant appeal to your door.

Happy decorating!

Love, Nora


  1. Deanna Rabe on September 30, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    I love those cabbages! Gorgeous color. They look great in those pots, too.

    Very beautiful arrangement altogether.

  2. Vicky Taloni on October 6, 2015 at 12:39 am

    You are such an inspiration. I actually moaned when I saw the kitchen you included in this issue. You truly touch a spot in my heart with your words, your creatively, your essence. I am so blesses to be living in your world.

    • Nora on October 6, 2015 at 9:41 am

      Thank you so much Vicky! So happy we found each other!!! Enjoy this beautiful season. Love, Nora

  3. Marilyn Schoenleber on October 6, 2015 at 9:20 am

    I’m a dear friend of Vicky Taloni…I love what you have done…it’s absolutely smashing. How do I go about receiving emails from you? Is there a fee?
    I’d love to see more of your designs.

    • Nora on October 6, 2015 at 9:43 am

      Hi Marilyn! Thanks so very much! You can subscribe to the blog or the on-line magazine….and there is no fee….it’s for you and it’s free! Enjoy! Love, Nora

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