For the past year now, I’ve been envisioning the interiors of my Connecticut Country House painted out white. Don’t get me wrong, I love my earthy paint palette that’s throughout the house, but for some reason I have this unrelenting need for the bright, light, and clean palette of the house’s exterior to come indoors!

It started ever so innocently a couple of years ago, by painting the parlor Benjamin Moore’s Lancaster Whitewash, and stripping the multi-layers of paint of the original mantel. The whitewash brought out the true purity of that 18th century room.

Now it’s time to mull over whites for the Dining room – and beyond. I’m a sucker for names like Sea Pearl, Dove Wing, Bavarian Cream, Paper Mache, Steam, Vanilla Milkshake, White Down, and Deep In Thought (to name a few) – so choosing just the right white is no easy task. When this group is culled down to maybe the top 3 finalists, I’ll try each one on different walls, and keep an eye on these painted swatches as the light changes during the day. So for now, that’s a great big TBD.

I’ll keep you posted. Love, Nora


  1. Kathy on June 4, 2015 at 1:09 pm

    I recently went through the same thing. I love deep earthy colors but the need to lighten up became what I craved. I’m sure there’s a phycological reason for my shift in taste. Anyway, I painted throughout the majority of my home, not bedrooms, Vanilla Ice Cream by Ben Moore. I love it! It’s a soft white that has a slight glow and looks beautiful in the evening. My furniture pops against this background. I look forward to seeing your results!!!

  2. tj on June 5, 2015 at 12:33 am

    …I too can’t wait to see the results! I personally like a white with a cream undertone, that is what is on all of our walls in our home. I read an article recently in Early American Life regarding whitewash and it certainly gave me the itch to possibly change our interior. It’s hard to change because I’ve stenciled many walls back when it was all the rage in country homes, for some reason, now it seems to have become passe’. I rarely see it in country homes featured in decor magazines anymore. Oh well, I do what I like. [laughs][shrugs] :o)

    …I love choosing paint colors and painting swatches on the wall to see how the light plays on the colors. Enjoy the process!

    …Peace & blessings. :o)

  3. Sharon G on June 6, 2015 at 6:31 pm

    I just painted everything white and I LOVE it…you won’t be disappointed one bit! I will have to say to watch any white with any yellow in it because the white will start looking yellow after a while. I made the mistake on my kitchen cabinets with a BM White Dove and they are looking a little yellow after almost 2 years. I just bought paint last night to paint them over! Can’t wait to see how your place will look with white walls! 🙂

  4. Karen B. on June 19, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    I’ll be interested in hearing your final selections. White paint is probably the most challenging to me. I read from a fellow blogger that she doesn’t read the names of the paint colors because it’s too easy to be swayed by a great name! 🙂

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