This weekend, all our Easter festivities will be based in our hub, the kitchen, where we’ll be initially gathering, while enjoying nibbles and sips as we’re cooking. The keeping room (a.k.a. dining room) will be set for 15 (!), and with the chilly temps in the forecast, I’m sure Murph will have a toasty fire going. In between the 2 spaces, is the gallery, where I’ll set up the long eighteenth-century table buffet-style, and make the old potting table an impromptu bar (perfectly situated in between all the action!)

In the center of all this, is the powder room. This little room is certainly not to be overlooked, as it’s in the sightline of all the activity. It’s important to bring some springtime “pretty” in here as well. Finally, my Amaryllis are in full bloom, so they’re the perfect choice! If I didn’t have them, I’d opt for small potted hyacinth or tulips….or even a sweet little bouquet of flowers in a vintage pitcher.

It’s in these small simple touches that really do make all the difference!

Love, Nora

(P.S. So here’s a little tidbit of info Murph just gave me on the origin of the term ‘powder room’. It was conceived during the prohibition, when bars were strictly for men, and as that started to change with women being included, the bars needed to add ‘powder rooms’….love being married to a history teacher – I’m always learning something new!)


  1. linda hartman on April 4, 2015 at 12:02 pm

    Nora, how enchanting and wherever did you purchase the faucet? Is it an old one or treated to seem vintage? Simply love it all.
    May you have a delightful Easter.

    • Nora on April 5, 2015 at 1:53 am

      Hi Linda! The faucet is from Baths From The Past, Mass. They specialize in reproduction bath. You probably noticed that the faucet does not have a varnish on it, so it will naturally tarnish…..I love that!

      Thanks Linda! Love, Nora

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