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The way I celebrate Earth Day is to take care of my neck of the woods. And I mean that literally. I live on a beautifully scenic road in Connecticut, filled with protected woodlands, streams, open fields defined by mossy old stonewalls, and some really beautiful 18th-century country houses. And even though my road is so pretty, it never ceases to amaze me just how much trash accumulates on the roadside each season.

Today, with work gloves in hand and a pocket stuffed with black Hefties, I’ll take my usual walk down my road – but take the extra time and effort to pick up other people’s trash. And I’m really O.K. with that. I figure if I do this at least once every other month, I’m helping to keep my little part of the world that much cleaner. Keeping it simple.

Happy Earth Day!

Love, Nora


  1. Jeannette pompi on April 22, 2015 at 3:01 pm

    Today is my birthday. Considering it is shared with earth day is so appropriate. I have already transplanted an azalea and a maple sapling. This afternoon I will spend strolling through the Clemson Botanical Gardens. Happy Earth Day!

    Ps I love your neck of the woods. All my i laws are in western MA..


    • Nora on April 25, 2015 at 7:50 pm

      Happy Birthday Jeanette! What a great way to spend your special day!
      All the best! Love, Nora

  2. Diane Byrd on April 22, 2015 at 5:58 pm

    It never fails to amaze me that in this day and age, people still throw their garbage out their car window. Thank you for keeping your country road clean.

  3. linda hartman on April 23, 2015 at 11:44 am

    Your celebration of Earth Day not only once each year but every month is an inspiring example for us all.

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