Spring is here! The season has finally arrived (even though there’s snow visible from every Connecticut Country House window) as well as our Spring 2015 Nora Murphy Country House Style e-magazine.

Creating this spring issue was truly a labor of love…each and every image kept me hopeful (quite honestly pining away) for spring’s arrival, and all that comes with it. Here’s a short list of what I can’t wait for:

  1. Fresh non-frigid air (so I can open all my windows and air out the whole house!)
  2. My gardens (all of them have so much winter damage, I can’t wait to get at ’em!)
  3. Strawberries (nothing like freshly picked and really ripe!)
  4. An empty coat closet (I can’t wait to bag up all the winter gear until year!)
  5. A green backyard (I know for a fact, that Fiona and Martha feel the same exact way!)

So until everything is crossed off this list, please enjoy the newest issue of NoraMurphyCountryHouse.com.

Happy spring!

Love, Nora



  1. Kathy on March 26, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    It is such a good issue! I poured over every word and photo, as I walked this morning inside on the treadmill. It is cold and windy today! Waiting for Spring here, too. I truly loved seeing your newest issue. Thank you!

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