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I love those “Aha!” moments….don’t you?

There I was standing in a long check out line at Home Goods, pretty much obligated to look at all the little odds and ends that lined the shelves, when I spotted 4 little glass cylinders filled with faux grass. Now, it’s one thing to look, and it’s quite another to pick up and actually think about buying.

What a good little base these would make for flower arrangements. The plastic grass clump would be the perfect “frog” or natural looking structure for a bouquet of spring flowers. I surprised myself, and bought all 4!

As for the spring flowers, I bought a few bunches of tulips and hyacinth, along with a wild-looking bunch of heather. Since these were going to be used for table centerpieces, I cut all the stems shorter (no flower was taller than 9-inches), tucked each one into the faux grass container, and added a little water.  The faux grass did what I hoped it would do – kept each flower securely in place and visually made the arrangement look fuller. Serendipitously, all the flower stems were the exact same spring green as the grass.

When blooms faded, the flowers were tossed into the compost, and the faux grass in glass container was washed with a little soap and hot water, air dried, and stored in the basement with the rest of my containers until next time.

What a wonderful little find…I just love when that happens!

Love, Nora

(To see and read more: https://noramurphycountryhouse.com/magazine/spring-2015/country-house-celebrates/#.VRl-qChhodc )

 Photography by Darryl Arbesman



  1. Cheryl on March 30, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    Beautiful table! Loved the idea with the containers. Perfect…

  2. Louise on March 30, 2015 at 8:51 pm

    Oh, they are perfect!!! Your table looks so beautiful!

  3. Victoria on March 31, 2015 at 3:42 am

    Simply brilliant Nora! Love the Spring issue spent at least two hours perusing it yesterday!
    Those plates were quite a find as well and what a beautiful story.

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