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For Valentine’s Day (or any time really), you just need a few ingredients (actually I came up with 10) to create a special little dinner for 2.

  1. Gather in a quiet place off the beaten path. My go-to quiet spot is our small, ancient parlor.
  2. Pull-up a couple of upholstered chairs instead of dining chairs. I love a pair of wing chairs for this intimate grouping.
  3. Set a small table (stationary or folding).
  4. Dig around in your linen closet and drawers for tablecloth options. I used a twin sized vintage coverlet for the base cloth, and layered it with a Royal Stewart tartan runner.
  5. Take out the good stuff: Silverware and crystal stemware.
  6. Mix up your old and new china. Floral vintage plates layer beautifully with new white plates. Footed compotes that are usually used for serving up fancy desserts, are re-purposed with simple healthy garden salads.
  7. Press cloth napkins and go one step further by using napkin rings…now’s the time to take them out!
  8. Add fresh flowers to the mix – but keep it simple. Try a small pot of primroses you can pick up at the market, and pop it into a decorative container.
  9. Make a fire if you have a fireplace and/or light candles.
  10. Turn on some favorite tunes.

Now just kick-back and enjoy!

Happy St. Valentine’s Day dear friends!

Love, Nora



  1. Kate on February 14, 2015 at 2:39 am

    Beautiful and cozy, Nora! Love the footed compotes! Happy Valentine’s Day! Looks like it’s going to be an excellent one to stay safe and snug indoors.

  2. Victoria on March 4, 2015 at 1:59 am

    Absolutely love this post. Thanks for sharing these great ideas. Love the photos and your beautiful home. Those wing chairs are wonderful every time I see them I covet the crewel fabric you have them upholstered in. They also suit your home’s vibe perfectly.

  3. Julie Trice on February 22, 2019 at 5:02 am

    Simply gorgeous

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