I love Thanksgiving. I love the “one for all, and all for one” spirit of the day. I’ve always felt very blessed each holiday season, but this Thanksgiving even more so.

Earlier this week, driving home I was unfortunate enough to be in a car accident…but very fortunate to shakily walk away with only a headache. I thank the dear Lord, as well as the old girl, my Volvo wagon, for keeping me safe.  Sadly she was not so fortunate, and may have given up her life for me,  and may need to be totaled.

What got my attention (big time!) was when I went to take some key things out of my car before it was hauled away. My wonderful, trusty vintage picnic basket (my stylish catch-all) that I keep in the back seat, was smashed to smithereens! I thought, how did that happen? You know, until something like this happens, you really don’t think about your mortality.

So this Thanksgiving, as I’m very busy getting ready for this holiday, I’m also very busy counting my blessings…and one of them is you.

Thank you so very much for joining me on this Country House  journey…for all your love and support. It truly means the world to me!

Wishing you and your dear family and friends a very blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

Love, Nora


  1. Kelly - Talk of the House on November 27, 2014 at 7:56 pm

    Yes, you were very blessed to come out with only a headache. May you continue to be blessed this Thanksgiving and continue to bless others as you tell of your life through Connecticut Country Life. Stay warm and enjoy this day of giving thanks.

  2. Joyce Black on November 27, 2014 at 11:26 pm

    Nora, We’re so glad to know that you’re O.K. after such a harrowing ordeal and yes, like you, we are grateful on this day.

  3. Kate on November 28, 2014 at 1:39 am

    Yikes! Oh my. So glad to hear that you were relatively unharmed! So much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, indeed!

    I’ve been looking forward to your Holiday issue’s unveiling all week! Tomorrow, I’m turning on the Christmas music, decking the halls, and reading your issue!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  4. Victoria on November 28, 2014 at 12:15 pm

    Oh my goodness Nora – sorry to hear of your accident so glad you are okay. Having survived a crash on icy freeway a few years ago where my vehicle was totaled as well I can totally empathize with your experience.
    I do hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. My husband, like Murp, likes to cook and the turkey he does is amazing. This year he did his usual but added bacon after I had showed him the one from your blogpost. Thanks for sharing that little tidbit – yummy!
    Looking forward to the magazine today! I will have a mug of hot chocolate and devour your
    lovely photos and get inspired to put up my Christmas decorations.

  5. Tina on November 28, 2014 at 2:41 pm

    Your gratitude for family, friends, and life’s small pleasures is a breath of fresh air. Gratitude is apparent in all you do! Thankfully, you are okay! Your Volvo was a workhorse that seved you well!

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