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Just got back with a beautiful batch of organic tomato plants (their names and descriptions were so intriguing, I had a tough time walking away without buying one of everything).

Murph added our home-aged compost we call ‘Black Gold’ to the soil, and tilled to incorporate it well. We pulled lines for each row, leaving enough space for walking and weeding. With my trusty hoe, I mounded the soil of each row, and spaced plants about 18-24-inches apart (good air circulation is important).

When it comes to planting tomatoes, I learned a couple of tricks from my Dad – my gardening guru.

  1. Before planting, it’s important to break off the bottom leaves on the plant to promote growth.
  2. It’s best to place each plant on its side (I know this looks weird but it really works), and cover the roots well with soil. The plants will rise to reach towards the sunlight, and the stem underground will naturally take root and give the young plants a more stable foundation to grow on. This always made perfect sense to me, because by August these plantings would become top heavy with branches and fruit.

Once planted, be sure to water well. As far as staking goes, I wait until their growth really kicks into gear, and with jute twine I gently tie branches to bamboo hoops that I stake well into the ground.

Now I let nature do its thing….

Happy gardening!

Love, Nora


  1. Kathy on June 2, 2014 at 11:54 am

    I can grow most flower but I’m never successful when it comes to tomatoes. I know it’s a pathetic. I have such a small area to work in I now go to the farmers market. I’m sure your garden will be fantastic!!

    • Nora on June 4, 2014 at 6:34 pm

      Hey Kathy! Why not try a good sized pot planted with one cherry tomato plant…..Cherry tomatoes are super easy….I really do think you may just get hooked! And if you do decide to give it a go, please send me a photo! Thanks very much and happy gardening! Love, Nora

  2. Victoria on June 2, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    Never heard of lying them on their side have to try that next year mine are already loaded with tomatoes here in South Carolina. I have probably had 20 green peppers already. Nora
    question for you have you ever heard you could put green peppers in a brown paper bag and they will turn red? I prefer red so I am going to give this a try. Happy gardening!

    • Nora on June 4, 2014 at 6:31 pm

      Hi Victoria! I am so envious of your accelerated gardening window!! I have not heard of the brown paper bag trick, and so excited to give that a try….I too, love to eat colorful peppers…..maybe it’s our designer thing! Thanks very much, and happy gardening to you too! Love, Nora

  3. Maureen on June 3, 2014 at 1:46 am

    Hi Nora,
    Please be sure to post pictures of these tomatoes in August! Can’t wait to see a “Chocolate Stripe”!

    I am hoping for a report on your excursion to Brimfield last month. I hope to make it in July.


    • Nora on June 4, 2014 at 6:29 pm

      Hey Maureen! Will do on the tomatoes! And I will post a blog with “the best of” the Brimfield excursion….great idea! Thank you! Have a great day! Love, Nora

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