You know the old saying, “When life gives you lemons…make lemonade”. Well, you can also say, “When your rose garden give you a few measly blooms…make a nose gay”!

Late September and my rose garden is a former shadow of its beautifully full and billowy – spring into summer – self. Right now, the whole lot is pretty darn pitiful – I’d have to say down right spindly.

Company was coming, and last-minute I realized I needed some flowers – so I decided to snip the best of the last and create a simple nosegay. Made up of just a handful of blooming Bonica and Fairy roses, I twist tied them together within a ruffled collar of delicately scalloped Lady’s Mantle leaves, and popped the miniature bouquet into a favorite container – a French mustard jar.

As humble as this little nosegay was – it was noticed by all. Anything pretty usually is.

Love, Nora


  1. Erin Rollins on September 26, 2013 at 3:01 pm

    Just beautiful and I really love the new name.

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