If you’ve planted tomato plants this year, we’re probably in the same boat…lots and lots of tomatoes ready for the picking, or in my case, falling off the vine and ready to be picked up!

One of my favorite things to make from this late summer bounty is homemade salsa. Let’s face it, once you’ve found a good salsa recipe – there’s no going back to store-bought (unless you’re really in a pinch).

I think what makes this salsa so delicious, gorgeous, and different, is the hodgepodge variety of tomatoes that go into it – from larger heirlooms packed with flavor to sweet little grape varieties popping with brilliant colors.

Now’s the time to make the best salsa of the year.

End of Summer Salsa

3-4 cups tomatoes, chopped

1 cup yellow or red onion, chopped

1 cup bell pepper, diced

2 jalapeno peppers, diced (including seeds)

1 fresh lime, juiced

1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

Place all ingredients in food processor and pulse 2-4x, depending on desired consistency. If the mixture gets too watery, strain and leave just half the liquid. Again, it depends on how you like your salsa.

Refrigerate to intensify flavor – but in this house, it never makes it to the fridge! In that case, serve immediately and dig in.

(Looking to pair this salsa with a fabulous guacamole? Check out my May 5,2012 posting – Holy Guacamole!)


Love, Nora







  1. Erin Rollins on September 21, 2013 at 9:33 pm

    That looks so good. I love fresh garden tomatoes, it’s one of the joys of summer.

    • Nora on October 12, 2013 at 2:35 pm

      Oh it so is Erin…..this is what I wait for all year! Thank you, love, Nora

  2. mary on September 22, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Hi! I’m a fan of your website, never comment, just enjoy from a distance. I thought I’d let you know that I have been checking this site for updates all summer – you are in my favorites so I just click once in a while to see what’s new – but the peony post back in June was the last post I could see and I just assumed you were busy with your other project. Then – voila! – when I clicked today I suddenly found a new post, and then found out you have been posting all summer. Very strange – for some reason these newer posts never appeared until today. It might be a problem on my end but I thought I’d let you know just in case more people were having problems with your site than just me. Good luck with the new magazine – I will be reading that, too – Good luck!

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