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This past week I’ve felt like I’ve been under house arrest – I’ve been on my laptop fighting writer’s block from exhaustion and typing away on content for the upcoming autumn issue of the e-magazine. After consecutive days of being cooped up (with the exception of walking out to the kitchen garden once a day to collect the next wave of tomatoes and cukes), it was definitely time for a change.

The simplest solution: a good old-fashioned walk through the woods. I was way overdue to commune with nature (other than my veggie plants). So Murph and I set out on a brisk hike this morning, down our road, which goes through the Connecticut State Forest that surrounds us. Since our road is a scenic one, packs of courteous cyclists went whizzing by us, “Morning…Morning…Morning…Morning”.  It seems like everybody had the same idea today; we all had to get outdoors and move.

The very narrow path through the high grasses, the gnarly bark of a massive fallen tree, a long forgotten old (very old) tin plate, the meandering brook behind Don and Shirley’s house – all taken in through a new set of refreshed eyes. The hike and change of scenery rejuvenated me. Not just my energy level, but also my mind. It kick-started my creative juices into gear…and I couldn’t wait to get back and start up that laptop again. Go figure.

A perfect way to kick-off the Labor Day weekend. Wishing you a great one!

Love, Nora



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