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This weekend I declared the Peony to be my favorite flower.  Now, this here declaration is a big deal because I have so many favorites (lilies, roses, orchids, sunflowers – just to name a few) I’m usually swayed by the beauty or scent of what’s in bloom at that moment and season.  Right now, the hot pick in the cutting gardens here at Connecticut Country House is the Peony.

Ah, Peonies – exquisite no matter how you look at them.  Beautiful in their big (perfectly round) bud stage.  Even more beautiful when the flower is half way to full bloom – there’s a true purity about them.  And when they fully open – between the gorgeous color and scale of the bloom, and its gloriously potent perfume (I like to call it Mother Nature’s air freshener) – let’s just say I’m totally smitten!

It just takes one blossom – cut and popped into a small glass or jar – to make any little spot in your world that much more special.

Happy Monday!

Love, Nora


  1. sally on June 17, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    They are truly beautiful in every sense. My neighbor has a slip of a plant that we keep watching. Last year it looked like it would bud, but it didn’t. That it survives at all in the swamp is amazing.

  2. maria on June 18, 2013 at 12:23 am

    They are glorious, in every color. Too bad there is no sense of smell in the virtual world!!!

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