The best is yet to come
Happy Birthday to -1 year old today!
The day I launched this simple little blog site, I had no idea how encouraging and fulfilling your feedback would be. Whether you posted a comment on-line, Liked and connected on facebook, sent an e-mail, re-pinned on Pinterest, or talked in person – you’ve been great!
You’ve inspired and motivated me to do more – so much more. I am so excited to share with you today the news of a new website that I am creating – just for you.
I’ve pulled together a fabulous team, and together we’re creating a website that will be filled with beautiful photography, videos, personal stories, how-to’s, sharing of menus and recipes, gardening ideas, decorating advice, fabulous finds on our antiquing jaunts, and entertaining tips inside and outside, at home and away.
Our goal is to launch this excitingly beautiful baby this summer, just in time for your glorious summer living. I will update you on our progress, and know that this blog will continue on in tandem with our new site.
Please spread the word that Connecticut Country House is growing (big time!) and share this blog with family and friends. As Michael Buble so perfectly puts it – “The best is yet to come”!
Thank you, thank you, thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart.
Love, Nora
From a fellow Nutmegger, happy 1st birthday!!! Love your blog
Thank you so much Jayne! Wait till you see what I’m up to! Can’t wait!!
Can’t wait to see what you have in store!
…Congrat’s on the 1 year anniversary! Thank you for doing what you do – love it! :o)
…Can’t wait to see what’s coming up, I’m certain it will be wonderful!
…Have a lovely evening!
…Peace & blessings. :o)
Nora that’s wonderful news, I can’t wait to see your new space.